View Full Version : Stupid Family Feud Answers

08-19-2006, 04:51 PM
I was watching Family feud awhile ago and some of the answers that come out of these peoples mouths are unbelievable. Here is a list ive found of some of them. Feel free to add on some more, and by the way, these were all really said on public television

Name something a blind person might use - "A sword"

Name a bird with a long neck - "Naomi Campbell"

Name an occupation where you need a torch - "A burglar"

Name a famous brother and sister - "Bonnie & Clyde"

Name a dangerous race - "The Arabs"

Name an item of clothing worn by the 3 Musketeers - "A horse"

Name something that floats in the bath - "Water"

Name something you wear on the beach - "A deckchair"

Name something red - "My cardigan"

Name a famous royal - "Mail"

Something you do before going to bed - "Sleep"

Something you put on walls - "Roofs"

Something in the garden that's green - "Shed"

Something that flies that doesn't have an engine - "A bicycle with wings"

Something you might be allergic to - "Skiing"

Something a cat does - "Goes to the toilet"

Something you do in the bathroom - "Decorate"

Name an animal you might see at the zoo - "A dog"

Something associated with the police - "Pigs"

A sign of the zodiac - "April"

Something slippery - "A conman"

A famous Scotsman - "Jock"

Something with a hole in it - "Window"

A non-living object with legs - "Plant"

A domestic animal - "Leopard"

A part of the body beginning with 'N' - "Knee"

The price of a dozen roses - "1.75"

An article of clothing that children always lose - "Pants"

Something in a bird cage - "Hamster"

An animal with three letters in its name - "Alligator"

Something worn only by children - "Clothes"

Something Russia is famous for - "Russians"

A man's name beginning with the letter K - "Kentucky Fried Kitchen"

The heaviest item in your house - "Husband"

A yellow fruit - "Orange" (??)

A way parents reward children - "Time out"

08-19-2006, 08:48 PM
people are retarded.

I think what's worse is the idiots that show up on The Price Is Right

GOBLADESGO#3 (among other aliases)
09-11-2006, 09:36 PM
lol but so true you know how stupid people can be on family feud even sometimes the host is thinking what the hells wrong with these idiots, i wouldnt be suprised if those were actuall family feud answers