View Full Version : Who Wants Out Of The Dark

09-13-2006, 04:37 PM
I have been watching the papers, TV and internet for preseason information on WHL scores around the league and other than a couple of team sites that list their scores (No other info other than Chilliwack site which posts a scan of their actual gamesheets) it is impossible to get any preseason stats or numbers on WHL teams at all. For the curious take a look at the QMJHL site and their statistics/info. http://www.lhjmq.qc.ca is their website. It is awesome compared to what we have out here.

The Kootney game on the weekend finally had the score posted on the WHL site nearly 2 days after the game. No statistics and no rightups at all in the Calgary papers. Sorry folks I can't afford to drive 4 hours to watch a preseason game as much as I would like.

I think that people should start emailing and writing the WHL office and tell them to get with the times. We have some of the richest teams in Jr hockey out here and this is what we get for our money as fans? Come on guys. The Hitmen site is nice but all they do there is cut and paste articles when they do appear from the Sun and Herald? Would be nice to see some independant interviews and information. There are big stories happenning there. Post with your input and lets get something done about this.