This guy goes to the bar,spends quite a while there,and starts on his journey home.As he's walking home pissed drunk,he pukes all over himself,ruining the new shirt the wife had bought him.The wife finds out and goes bazerk,telling him to that if he comes home again full of puke..she's gone.So he goes back to the bar the next week,while sitting in the bar for a while he tells his friend that he has to ease up on the booze fearing that he'll ge sick all over himself and his wife will leave him.The guy comes up with an idea that if he put a 50 dollar bill inside his front shirt pocket and he pukes he'll tell his wife that his buddy puked on him and gave him the 50 for dry cleaning.So he places the 50 in his pocket...continues to drink and pukes.So he returns home later that night and the wife is fuming,he,no my friend got sick on me and gave me a 50 for the cleaning,check my pocket then.So she does and there is the 50..along side another 50.The wife asks,how come there are two 50's in here she says.The husband replies..oh thats cause my friend also crapped in my pants on the way home.